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He was about 6 inches long, moderately thick, circumcised and Caucasian, honestly, that was all I could tell you about him. He smelled clean and fresh... and I'm embarrassed to say, I actually relished his virile hardness in my mouth. I don't know if women know this, but men get erections of various hardness, I think most men know this. This guy was so hard it was like a bone in my mouth, unyielding, unbending iron steel stiff.At first I sucked on it a little experimentally, just exploring the. Waiting for my father to slide up behind me, I waited for him to mount me, this however didnt happen, I had to look back, maybe he had gotten cold feet, thankfully he hadnt, he was bag in my back rumbling around for another condom. Sorry sweetie, looks like youre out of johnnies. Oh no! Wait, ha-ha, here we are, got one. Dad… we dont need one… Im your father sweetie, I could go to prison if you got pregnant… I rolled over onto my back and looked up at him, as I rubbed my pussy slowly. He was. " I don't know what ter tell you," I replied. "Last I saw Titepartz was on the big screen at The Prestige on West Hollywood and-" "Throw this piece of shit off the roof," ordered the suit and then I was….. … "falling in love with you," I said. She had anger in her beautiful eyes but I thought I saw a glimpse of something else. Something more. "No you don't," she said, getting up from the chair, moving across the room. "You don't get to say that to me, Micky. Not that. We're business partners.. "Hey Stephanie, mom"s not gonna be home till tomorrow and we can have some friends over."All the girls started screaming and jumping up and down in the water. It was hotter than hell now that I had been working all afternoon and I decided to jump in. Screw a swim suit, I just took off my shoes and jumped into the water in what I was wearing. A few of the girls laughed and others screamed playfully and swam away from me. I swam after them and picked them up and threw them or dunked them. As I.
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